We make a diagnosis together with School Owners and Board of Heads
in order to design a tailored-made Educational Project of Excellence for your Institution.
During the academic year, Grace monitors and collaborates, depending on each proposal –which might vary according to the needs and styles of each Institution, as well as considering the school’s educational and commercial profile, which makes the families choose that institution in particular for their children.
We can work together via interviews, diagnostic meetings, monthly meetings, training workshops, classroom observation sessions and On line/On site Courses and Workshops.

Together we can design:
First interviews with parents: how to Communicate the Educational Project.
Parents’ and Teachers' Meetings.
Teacher In-service Training Sessions.
Workshops for Families.
Educational material choice.
Planning, Assessments & Evaluations.
Open Classes.
Family Day.
Sports Day.
Talent Show.
Concerts, Musicals & End of Year Shows.
International Exams.
Extracurricular Projects: City Tours, Immersion Camps, Educational Trips Abroad.

Some projects we can implement:
“Social Emotional Learning, Values Education and Resolving Conflicts at School” - “Educación Emocional, Educación en Valores y Resolución Constructiva de Conflictos en la Escuela” (bilingual option: based in Peace Education Foundation & Positive Discipline approaches, USA)
Responsive Classrooms (USA): Quality Circle Time with Morning Messages & Closings in Circles, Energizers, Brain Breaks.
Cooperative Learning (Spencer Kagan, USA)
TPRS: Total Proficiency in Reading & Speaking (Blaine Ray, USA)
Natural Approach (Stephen Krashen, USA)
Brain-based Learning (Eric Jensen, USA)
Positive Education and Personal Strengths of Character (Dr. Martin Seligman, USA)
Neuro-learning and Brain-compatible Classrooms (Asociación Educar de Neurociencias – Argentina)
Multiples Intelligences (Howard Gardner - USA)
Visible & Critical Thinking (Project Zero - Harvard - USA)

The coaching services include:
Annual, Monthly and Weekly Planning.
Immersion in the Language: children speaking the language naturally, etc.
Teachers designing and making their own teaching resources.
Effective ideas for your lessons:
Very Young learners: teaching with: posters - songs, rhymes & chants - feltboards - story time - circle time - flashcards - puppets - etc.
Pre-teens & teens: strategies to deal with comprenhension - communicative classroom - creativity & motivation - activities to develop language skills and self-esteem -
Interview with English Head to talk about needs and interests
In-service Training Workshop for teachers about Planning, Teaching Resources, Classroom Management, Brain-friendly Classrooms, Social-Emotional Learning, etc…
Monthly meetings with all the teachers to coach Planning, designing and making their own teaching resources for Circle Time and English Lessons. School-home connection, Open classes, Assessment and E-Portfolios.
Classes Observation

Dover English High School. - Islands-Northern – Southern International Schools - St. Nicholas School. - Brick Towers School. - Sworn College - Riverside Kindergarten - Nightingale College - Las Lomas School - Colegio San Carlos - Diálogos - Federico Dickens - The Green House Kindergarten – Colegio San Javier - Blooming Kindergarten.
The Green House Kindergarten - St. Francis Kindergarten - Fairy Tale Kindergarten - Green & Red Kindergarten – Moorlands School - Morning Glory Kindergarten - Cinderella Kindergarten - Baldomero Fernandez Moreno - Euskal Echea - San Martín de Tours - Colegio de la Ciudad - Colegio Lange Ley - Instituto Rivadavia - Colegio del Arce - Colegio El salvador - Escuela de la Victoria - Tiempos Modernos - Colegio Elmina Paz de gallo - Cultural Inglesa de Wilde - Colegio Cangallo - Colegio Ethea - Instituto Divino Pastor - English House - Colegio La Anunziata - Colegio Divino Corazón - Colegio del Buen Ayre - OK InstItute - Nel Institute.
Northern Hills School – Mar del Plata.
Colegio San Matías – Tucumán.
Nuestra Señora de la Medalla Milagrosa - San Juan.
St Patrick’s School – Tucumán.
My English School – Gualeguaychú – Entre Ríos.
Colegio Santa María – Salta.
Instituto Santo Domingo - Córdoba.
Colegio Católico Santa María - Gobernador Virasoro, Corrientes.
St Patricks’ School. Corrientes.
Escuela Itinerante la Arboleda – La Falda – Córdoba.
Instituto Plottier – Plottier – Neuquén.
Colegio Santa María – Pehuajó.
Colegio del Carmen – San Rafael – Mendoza.
San Juan El precursor - San Miguel de Tucumán
Colegio San José – Corrientes.
Cultural Inglesa – Resistencia – Chaco.
Colegio Ethnea : Bella Vista. Buenos Aires.
Highlands School – Santiago de Chile – Chile.
Colegio Stella Maris – Montevideo – Uruguay.
Northlands School - Buenos Aires - Argentina
St George’s School _ Buenos Aires - Argentina
Asesorías Task – Santiago de Chile – Chile
San Matías School – Yerbabuena – Tucumán – Argentina
Armonia Bilingual School – Campana – Buenos Aires – Argentina
Instituto Vuelta del Ombú – Gobernador Virasoro – Corrientes Argentina
Compass Publishing.
Benchmark Education.
Peace Education Foundation.
Sanako Lab.
Mac Millan Education
Pearson – Longman.
Pearson Education.
Richmond Publishing
Express Publishing.
Cambridge University Press Chile
SBS Bookshop
Estari Libros
KEL Ediciones
YES Bookshop
ADVICE Bookshop
DISAL Bookshop